This is an example of a Video on Demand Library. You can give access to attendees while running your conference or as a after-conference option.

Xyvid Tools

More info provided on the videos below - click the images to open the video box:

Recorded Content Examples

Here are examples on recording styles, onsite and virtual options:

Onsite Live Streaming and Recording - Standard

This is an example of what recorded content looks like when we go on-site. We send the technician, equipment, and patch into the onsite AV equipment to get audio and feed of presentation slides. We can do this as Video on Demand content and/or as a live broadcast. We cover onsite most everywhere in the world for a fixed price (does not change dependent on location) except for mainland China, Russia and any active war zones.

Remote Presenter Recording Example with Captions

This is an example of an edited remotely recorded presentation. This content can then be Live rebroadcast during your virtual or hybrid event. We can also create and include 5-7 second intro videos as seen at the beginning of this video. This content also includes captions (the CC button at bottom of the player).

Example of a remote presenter patch-in during live broadcast at a conference

This is an example of how we can patch in live remote presenters to a physical, onsite conference. In this example, the remote presenter joins the onsite panelists for a hybrid panel discussion. This typically requires assistance from the onsite AV team to set up the remote display and two-way audio communication in the physical conference room. V-cube provides remote support to bring the remote presenters in seamlessly.

XYVID V-cube Wizlearn Learning Management System Overview

This is a brief demo of the Vcube LMS system (Wizlearn platform).  The system can be used to automatically track student progress and automatically issue certificates upon completion of watching content and passing quizzes (and/or evaluations).

Posters Examples

Here are examples on Posters: